
Using the xelatex engine fixed the following error for me, when generating a PDF from markdown via pandoc:

pandoc: Error producing PDF from TeX source.
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:° not set up for use with LaTeX.


While working with Curses and Mouse I found, that my Mouse error message will not be displayed. I worked around it by capturing the message via eval, calling endwin; directly and displaying the error after that.


package Foo;
use Mouse;

use Curses::UI;

has _cui => (
    isa => 'Curses::UI',
    is => 'ro',
    default => sub { return new Curses::UI ( -clear_on_exit => 0 ) },

has _screen => (
    # _screen should be a 'Curses::UI::Window'
    isa => 'Curses::UI',
    is => 'ro',
    default => sub { return shift->_cui->add( 'screen', 'Window' ) },

package main;

use Curses;

eval { my $f = Foo->new(); };

if ($@) {
	print $@;

dh make perl and sudo

dh-make-perl fails when run through sudo:

sudo dh-make-perl --cpan IO::Socket::SSL
Use of uninitialized value $orig_pwd in chdir at
/usr/share/perl5/DhMakePerl/Command/ line 281.

Running as root works though.


Accidently instructed mutt to encrypt a message where you don’t have the recipients GPG key? Press Gtrl-G.

kb3097877 cant login

Black screen on Windows 7 after Ctrl+Alt+Del? Maybe it’s the broken update KB3097877.

A possible fix for 64 Bit Machines according to Heise Forum:

dism /image:X:\ /remove-package


Use tap devices with OpenVPN when running corosync/pacemaker on wheezy over it. Also transport: udpu.


When using small disks in a ceph setup you may hit bug #8551 leading to your pgs being stuck in incomplete and your cluster never reaching HEALTH_OK.

Check if your osd weights are zero and reweight them if needed.


I moved to Octopress and am no longer actively developing Hover. If you want to take over, contact me by email.