Trying to install an additional KRA and getting
KRA connector has already been defined for this CA
Has your KRA transport certificate rolled over since the original installation?
If yes, /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg
on the machine you try to sync from
might still have the old certificate in ca.connector.KRA.transportCert
Since ipa-replica-install ... --setup-kra
copies that file, it will try to add
itself with the wrong certificate leading to the above error.
Get the current transport certificate:
pki -u admin ca-kraconnector-show
Host: ipa1.$domain:443
Transport Cert:
On the machine you sync from , replace the base64 encoded value for ca.connector.KRA.transportCert
in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg
reload tomcat.
To generate an install token used in f.e.
pki ca-kraconnector-add --install-token ...
curl -u admin
"https://$( hostname -f )/ca/rest/securityDomain/installToken\
?hostname=$( hostname -f)&subsystem=KRA"
enter the directory manager password, save the content of <token>
to a file,
and use that for --install-token
Trying to debug some early boot failures? Passing systemd.debug-shell=1
to the
kernel command line? Running ip a
to inspect network interfaces, and getting
no output? Try
ip a | cat
Useful use of cat.
Is NixOS not creating your bridges on sudo nixos-rebuild switch
Try running sudo systemctl restart network-setup.service
Also, see #50208 and #42828 .
Upgraded to bookworm and containers started with podman-compose can no longer
resolve names?
Switching to the netavark networkBackend helped, f.e. by reseting:
podman system reset --force
It will delete all your stuff, though.
Looking to dump all properties of a certificate with $SERIAL:
Get-ChildItem -Path Cert: -Recurse `
| Where-Object -Property SerialNumber -Value $SERIAL -eq `
| Select-Object -Property *
Want to list all certificates a server sends?
echo \
| openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $server 2>&1 \
| while openssl x509 -noout -subject -issuer; do
Also works with a .pem containing multiple certificates.
Based on this stackexchange answer.
error: failed to download from ...
Caused by:
[2] Failed initialization ([CONN-1-0] send: no filter connected)
Disabling mutliplexing helped, e.g
Also possible in .cargo/config
Want to test timeout handling of your code?
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=78:
import requests
if __name__ == '__main__':
exit( main() )
# test by running 'python3 -m unittest'
import unittest
import unittest.mock as mock
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_one( self ):
self.assertFalse( False )
@mock.patch( 'requests.get', side_effect=requests.exceptions.Timeout() )
def test_timeout( self, mock_get ):
with self.assertRaises( requests.exceptions.Timeout ):
self.assertTrue( True )
Want to use curl to talk to a kerberos enabled jenkins?
set -o errexit -o errtrace -o nounset -o pipefail
cleanup() {
[ -n "${COOKIES-}" ] && unlink "${COOKIES}"
trap cleanup EXIT
export COOKIES=$( mktemp )
curl -c "$COOKIES" --negotiate -u : https://$HOST/login -I
export CURL="curl -b $COOKIES -c $COOKIES"
export URL="https://$HOST"
echo "I: spawing shell with session cookie for '$HOST'"
echo 'I: cookie jar available via $CURL: '$CURL
echo 'I: hostname via $URL: '$URL