Migrated from Octopress to
Hugo with the help of
octohug. It went quite well, with a
couple of problems due to multiline titles, or a literal . written as dot by
I chose the Hugo Flex theme, since it uses
no javascript and is quite tiny. To use more screen space, I changed this:
Thread 1 "skypeforlinux" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff49085d0 in _dbus_header_get_byte_order () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3
Is Bash matching lower- and uppercase files seemingly not caring about shopt -u nocaseglob, e.g.:
$ touch foo FOO
$ echo [a-z]*
foo FOO
then set LC_COLLATE to C, see man bash / Pattern Matching / LC_COLLATE:
The sorting order of characters in range expressions is determined by
the current locale and the values of the LC_COLLATE or LC_ALL shell variables,
if set. To obtain the traditional interpretation of range expressions, where
[a-d] is equivalent to [abcd], set value of the LC_ALL shell variable to
C, or […]
According to #44043 just overwrite
the binaries in /usr/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.PackageManagement
through files from nuget-binary/tree/2.12.